Research on optimization algorithm for multiprocessor scheduling problem based on simulated annealing 基于模拟退火的多处理机调度优化算法研究
Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Task Scheduling 粒子群优化的异构多处理器任务调度算法
Study on multiprocessor scheduling problem on quantum particle swarm optimization 关于多处理机调度问题的量子粒子群算法研究
As a key issue in parallel and distributed systems, multiprocessor task scheduling is a NP-complete problem in many cases. 作为并行分布式系统中的关键问题,多处理机任务调度在一般形式上是一个NP完全问题。
Multiprocessor scheduling for variable length tasks 任务长度可变的多机排序问题
Analysis of Multiprocessor Architecture and Task Scheduling Techniques in Data Processing 数据处理中潜在的多处理器体系结构和任务调度技术浅析
An effective Hopfield neural network ( HNN) approach to multiprocessor job scheduling problem ( known to be a NP hard problem) is proposed, which is apt to resource and timing ( execution time and deadline) constraints. 针对具有时间约束(执行时间和最后执行期限)和若干资源约束的多处理器作业调度问题(已知是NP难解的),提出了一种基于离散的Hopfield神经网络的求解新方法。
Multiprocessor job scheduling is a complicated combinatorial optimization problem, and the Hopfield neural network is extensively applied to solve various combinatorial optimization problems. 多处理器作业调度是一类非常复杂的组合优化问题,而Hopfield神经网络通常被广泛用于求解各种组合优化问题。
Multiprocessor Scheduling Problem ( MSP) is one of the basic problems in "The Design and Analysis of computer Algorithms", and is a NP-Problem. 多处理机调度问题是算法设计与分析中的基本问题之一,它是一个NP问题。
On the Design of Multiprocessor Scheduling 多处理机调度设计研究
On Multiprocessor-Scheduling Algorithms 多处理机调度算法
The concepts of competitive algorithm are introduced and competitive algorithm for on line multiprocessor scheduling is obtained. The best upper bound of the algorithm's competitive rate is proved to be 2-1 m. 介绍了局内问题的竞争算法,给出了多种任务加工表局内问题的竞争算法,估计了竞争率,并且证明了2-1m是该竞争算法竞争率的最好上界,其中m是机器台数。
Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithm with Graph Matching 基于图匹配的多处理机调度算法
The schedulability conditions and task allocation algorithms as well as analysis of RM scheduling under multiprocessor partition scheme are given based on the comparation of the both multiprocessor tasks scheduling schemes in this paper. 基于两种多处理器任务调度策略的比较,本文给出划分策略下的多处理器RM调度的可调度条件和任务分配算法及分析。
By penetratingly analyzing multiprocessor task scheduling problem, we designed three classes of evolutionary multiprocessor task scheduler. 在深入分析调度问题的基础上,我们设计了三类基于进化算法的多处理机任务调度器。
This paper presents a differential evolution algorithm to solve the multiprocessor scheduling problem with arbitrary task graph. Multiprocessor scheduling is a NP-hard problem, many papers employ heuristic. 本文主要基于现代启发式差分算法讨论多处理机调度,多处理机调度是NP组合优化问题,目前多采用启发算法。
Multiprocessor scheduling with different start times 起始时间不同的多处理机任务调度
The investigation of multiprocessor scheduling based on differential evolution algorithm 基于差分进化算法多处理机任务调度研究
Different with the dominant list scheduling algorithm, evolutionary multiprocessor task scheduling algorithm is a probabilistic global search algorithm. 与主流的表调度算法不同,基于进化计算的多处理机任务调度算法是一种全局的概率搜索算法。
It is called the multiresource or multiprocessor scheduling problem when the processes or tasks in a scheduling system need one or more resources to be accomplished. 若调度系统中的作业或任务需要一个或多个资源来共同完成,则这一类调度问题被称为多资源(或多处理机)调度问题。
A method based on Particle Swarm Optimization ( PSO) for multiprocessor scheduling is proposed in this paper. The mechanisms involved are employing original particle swarm algorithm and swarm particle vector is converted to priority-based scheduling model. 提出基于粒子群优化的多处理机调度算法,采用列表调度,同时把粒子群的矢量表达方式转换为基于调度优先级的模型。
A new algorithm for solving multiprocessor scheduling problem 一种求解多处理机调度问题的新算法
Multiprocessor-job Scheduling on Network Parallel System 网络并行环境下多处理机任务的调度
Research on a Multiprocessor Real-Time Thread Scheduling Algorithm and Its Implementation Method in the MACH Operating System 一个多处理器实时线程调度算法及其在MACH操作系统下的实现方法研究
An Approximation Algorithm for the Problem of Multiprocessor Scheduling 多处理机调度问题的一种近似算法
Multiprocessor scheduling is one of the factors having influences on parallel processing speed and efficiency. 多处理机调度问题是影响并行处理速度与效率的因素之一。
One dimensional bin packing problem has many important applications such as multiprocessor scheduling, resource allocation, real world planning, and packing and scheduling optimization problems. 经典一维装箱问题在多处理器调度、资源分配和日常生活中的计划、包装、调度等优化问题中有着极为重要的应用。
Simulated balancing methods for multiprocessor scheduling problems with a parallel constraint condition 带平行约束的多处理机调度问题的模拟平衡方法
Research on Multiprocessor Scheduling based on Genetic Algorithm for Underwater Vehicle Guidance System 遗传算法在水下航行器制导系统多任务调度中的应用
The experimental result shows that the new multiprocessor scheduling algorithm-SPara is much better than the other algorithms in the aspect of the use ratio and scheduling success ratio. 测试结果表明,新算法SPara在处理器利用率以及调度成功率方面较Myopic等算法有较大提高。